Spot-Light on: Ashiatsu

Spot Spa - Ashiatsu

While it’s understandable that you would be intrigued about a treatment called Ashiatsu, get ready for intrigue to turn into pure bliss, because Spot has a knack for whipping up totally luxuriating treatments that don’t disappoint! This massage, a barefoot deep tissue massage, is specifically designed to offer restorative and soothing muscle relaxation. How does it work? Thanks to bars attached directly to the ceiling, your practitioner effortlessly uses her feet to create smooth, ultra-relaxing, deeply penetrating strokes—which feel exactly like a traditional deep massage, but with pain-free intensity. (Lest you forget this is a full-body treatment, your practitioner will work your legs, arms, back, and neck with both her hands and feet.) Besides feeling totally awesome, the service is completely customized to your body’s needs, relieves tension, detoxifies muscles, and sends you into a total state of relaxation. Plus, it’s ideal for athletes. Spot’s Lisa Smyth, a pro at Ashiatsu, says the massage is geared toward everyone, but really helps athletes because of its ability to release and strip deep muscles in the hips, gluteal, hamstrings (and their attachments), and piriformis (a flat gluteal muscle).



Deep work on these muscle groups can actually help improve performance and benefit runners and cyclists long term. So, whether you book 70 minutes or two hours, you’re sure to experience total euphoria—and give your muscles a much-needed rehab.