Summer // The Best Time of Year to Heal

In the summer, our bodies are more open and receptive to healing. The fresh air is invigorating, warm weather helps muscles relax, sunshine replenishes Vitamin D, and being out in nature calms the mind. In the summer, Traditional Chinese Medicine capitalizes on hot weather to improve circulation in the sluggish parts of our bodies.  

In China, it’s traditional and popular to get acupuncture and herbal medicine during the hottest month of summer to heal ‘Winter Diseases’. Winter Diseases are chronic conditions of a cold and sluggish nature. This is due to a deficiency of Yang energy, and is typically caused by dietary imbalances.

Yang is warmth, light, emptiness, and motion, as opposed to Yin, which is cool, dark, substantial, and still. You need to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang to stay in good health.

If you have Yang Deficiency, your body will have tissues or organs that are not as warm and active as they should be. We identify this condition by looking for chronic symptoms that are aggravated by cold weather or cold foods.

Most people feel a bit healthier in the summer so they may not seek wellness help. Intuitively we seek help when we feel sickest. And that’s still a good idea. But it’s time to rethink that for chronic conditions. A great time to get treatment is when you are feeling somewhat better. Your body will be stronger and will have more resources available for healing.

Some examples of Winter Diseases include the following: seasonal depression, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, frequent common colds, sluggish digestion, chronic sinus congestion, excessively cold hands and feet, Raynaud's, and more.

Even if you don’t have a Winter Disease, the summer is still an excellent time to begin acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments. Our bodies are less taxed so have more resources for healing and, unlike conventional medicine, these treatments are all about encouraging the body to heal itself.

In honor of the beautiful summer solstice we just experienced, Rhea Dykoski is offering a reduced price for any Community Acupuncture Initial Visits throughout the month of July. Begin your healing journey for $25 (normally $40) on Tuesdays from 5-8pm in our Spot Spa Uptown location.

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